Monday, July 7, 2008

My Cat Locked Me Out.

Okay, so I get home from work today and I immediately changed into some shorts as it was hot as hell all day today. Not only was it hot as hell but the humidity was unbearable. After changing my clothes, I decided to go outside and have a cigarette. Sipping on my bloody mary and smoking my stoggie, I was still a little hot but finally relaxed. I finished my cigarette and tried to go back into the house from the balcony. WHAT????? The sliding glass door is now locked! I know that it may be hard to believe but my cat really did lock me outside. The sliding glass door has a safety mechanism that will automatically unlock the latch if the door is being closed while the latch is locked. Mishka loves to lay on top of the covered litter box which allows him the extra height that would allow him to trigger the latch with his paw. Needless to say, I had to bang on the bedroom window and wake Dmitri up so that he could unlock the door for me.