By order of its state Supreme Court, California began legally marrying same-sex couples this week. COME ON PEOPLEmarriage is the sacred union between 1 man and 1 woman. My friends usually find themselves shocked when they hear my views on the subject. So what next? People will want to legalize marriage between themselves and their pets? We may not notice the effects that gay marriage will have on our world right now, but what about the long run? Remember the days when it was unheard of to have a baby out of wedlock? Can you see the effects that it has on todays society?
* More Fatherless Children
* Increased Instibility in marriages that are still intact
* Increased rates of domestic violence and poverty.
* Increased necessity for welfare (my fucking tax dollars!!!)
If we scramble the definition of marriage, soon it will embrace relationships that will involve more than two persons or even animals. Research clearly demonstrates that family structure matters for children, and the family structure that helps the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage. While gay marriage would encourage adoption of children by homosexual couples, which may be preferable to foster care, some lesbian couples want to have children through anonymous sperm donations, which means some children will be created purposely without knowledge of one of their biological parents. Acceptance of gay marriage will strengthen the notion that marriage is primarily about adult yearnings for intimacy and is not essentially connected to raising children. Children will be hurt by those who will too easily bail out of a marriage because it is not "fulfilling" to them.
Gay relationships and dating is a whole different subject that I may decide to express my thoughts and feelings about at a later date.
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